রবিবার, ২ অক্টোবর, ২০১৬


A Very Common Scenario
It was five hour long journey including a twenty minute hotel break on the way.
I was free from worry about arrival at my destination in time.
During my journey either by bus or train sometimes I feel sleep but usually do not like to sleep. Rather I enjoy sightseeing. This is what I try to book ticket ensuring my seat is beside the window for every tour.
However, I was feeling a bit sleepy and slept.
Probably a big shaking break made me waking up. The bus was stopped running.
I checked my wrist watch. 45 minute. I mean for past 45 minute I had been in bus.
I am a frequent traveler the way I was traveling.
I have a good idea about the way and the bus. I can easily guess how far the bus can move by 45 minute.
But to my utter surprise I found the bus moved only a few yards which is almost near the place bus started.
I tried to understand what is all around and saw different type of vehicles hundreds and thousands in number are standstill in front.
I remembered this is called in our language 'Traffic Jam'.
Traffic Jam is well known to the people of this country as they have to suffer frequently from the vicious clutch of it.
My worry was getting intense, some questions started roaming about my mind - could I reach my destination or ...?
While I was thinking the bus started moving again and I saw a glimpse of hope. But that glimpse was only for a short while. Bus stopped again only in five minutes.
After more than 30 disgusting minutes bus started moving and it was moving fast and smooth. Rays of hope of arriving in time came back. I was happy in mind thinking to see the lovely face of my daughter.
But luck was not in favor.
The driver stopped driving all of a sudden and we all saw helper, conductor and driver running towards rear part of the bus. Reason? We got to know a while later one of rear wheels has punctured.
They engaged themselves to replace and they were trying to do it as soon as possible. But still they took about 40 minutes.
However, the bus finally finished its journey and we arrived at our destinations in ten almost ten hours in stead of four or four hour and thirty minutes.
I forgot everything for sometimes. But the sufferings I had to go through on the way returned to my mind. I had to spent quite sometimes giving thought into it and I became happy with what I found.
I found nothing but patience. It was really surprising to me that all the way I was showing patience. It is true that because of patience only I arrived at my destination. Patience really bears its results. It is a good lesson for me and of course for all that the way we want to achieve what we desire is not straight or short cut but zigzag, thorny and strewn with obstacles but we should keep going with patience. Patience will take us to our last destination.
In the afternoon I was out to the main point of town and first what I encountered there was a procession brought out jointly by a group of women organizations. From the writings written on the banners I understood the procession was to protest rape and killing of a newly married woman of a certain place of the district.
I got to know some more information from one of my journalist friends and clearly understood that these women organizations are in right legal point and from that legal point they brought out the procession to tell the government and the general people that rape and all types of repression on women must be stopped.
But the way they are on is not straight and short cut. It is zigzag and strewn with a lot of thorns just like the way I travelled in the morning. They need having patience and determined. I know women of this day are different. They are highly educated, modern, conscious and well aware. They certainty can achieve the very goal they desire.

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